Hard Work, Easy Coverage

Strengthen Your Business with Mainline Insurance's Tools and Equipment Coverage

Online Safety Matters

Cyber Safety Net: Mainline Insurance's Solutions for Small Business Security

We make it easy

Enhancing Client Experience: Exploring Self-Service Features for Our Clients

Leave it to the Experts

Audit Armor: Mastering Workers’ Comp and Avoiding Audits

By Mainline Insurance

Giving Thanks to Our Customers and Community

Don't Miss Out

Save the Date: Magnolia Project Auction Fundraiser

Planning for Your Business

Life and Group Health Insurance with Mainline Insurance

We've Got You Covered

Mainline Insurance Extends Coverage to Personal Lines

Summer is Heating Up

The Urgency of Fire Insurance for California Businesses

Community Service

Mainline’s Commitment to the Community

Mainline Insurance’s passion for serving our community means we strive to go above and beyond with client service while leaving a positive impact in the lives of those around us.

Big Teams Mean Big Risks

Have 50+ Employees? Here's What You Need to Know PLUS Tips to Stay Safe!

Stay Up to Date

California Contractor License Bonds Increase to $25,000

Effective January 1, 2023, the Contractors State License Board of California (CSLB) will increase a contractor license bond to $25,000 as detailed in Senate Bill 607.

Change is on the Way

Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Certain Licensed Contractors Required by 2023

Insure Responsibly

What You Need to Know About Liquor Liability Insurance

Liquor Liability insurance helps protect businesses that sell, serve or distribute alcohol.

Look at the Bigger Picture

What are Risk Retention Groups and How Do They Work?

Reduce Risk

Commercial Property Disaster Insurance: Why You Need it Now

Making sure your property is protected is more important now than ever.

Stay Up to Date

What Can Happen If I Have Outdated Software?

Stay Protected

Would Your Business Survive if Your Key Employee Was Disabled?

Take a look at what every small business owner should know.

Be Smart

How to Spot and Avoid Fraudulent Workers’ Comp Claims

Stay Protected

Do I Need Cybersecurity Insurance?

Keep your network safe.

In Focus

Is a Subcontractor’s General Liability the Only Coverage You Need?

Last Month

Can Affordable be Reliable?

Make sure you’re protected.

Drive Safe

Learn about Commercial Auto Insurance

Is it really necessary?

Stay Covered

Learn about Umbrella Insurance

What is it and when do you need it?

Giving Back

Mainline Insurance is the Proud Recipient of the Make More Happen Award

On Air

Watch Mainline's videos